Thursday, September 1, 2011

time has totally discrete all my jounier friends

my alll final year jounier friends give a sight to here and dont get confuse.

a smallest unit of universe is quanta .according to quanta there are two types of behaviour 1.particle 2.waves. continuous manner of quanta makes the how u can say that light is wave or particle. and we know the plank constant
,h is constant.means energy  depends on frequency.
and it is also true that light makes the time.coz time is started with starting of light(quantum physics).

Physical significance

 "In physics, the Planck time, (tP), is the unit of time in the system of natural units known as Planck units. It is the time required for light to travel, in a vacuum, a distance of 1 Planck length. The unit is named after Max Planck, who was the first to propose it.

 is the reduced Planck constant (sometimes h is used instead of  in the definition)
G = gravitational constant
c = speed of light in a vacuum
s is the SI unit of time, the second."

One Planck time is the time it would take a photon travelling at the speed of light to cross a distance equal to one Planck length. Theoretically, this is the smallest time measurement that will ever be possible, roughly 10−43 seconds.
for times less than one Planck time apart, we can neither measure nor detect any change. As of May 2010, the smallest time interval that was directly measured was on the order of 12 attoseconds (12 × 10−18 seconds),[4] about 1024 times larger than the Planck time.
The Planck time comes from a field of mathematical physics known as dimensional analysis, which studies units of measurement andphysical constants. The Planck time is the unique combination of the gravitational constant G, the relativity constant c, and the quantum constant h, to produce a constant with units of time. For processes that occur in a time t less than one Planck time, the dimensionless quantity tP / t is greater than one. Dimensional analysis suggests that the effects of both quantum mechanics and gravity will be important under these circumstances, requiring a theory of quantum gravity. All scientific experiments and human experiences happen over billions of billions of billions of Planck times, making any events happening at the Planck scale hard to detect.
according to this issse chota time ka duration ni ho sakta ya time ni ho sakta. so time mere doston discrete hi
means time and everything in this universe is totally discrete .
for any problem comment here.

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